In 2005 at the Seattle Coffee Fest, Aerobie debuted an odd looking coffee brewing device, an interesting item for the toy company to put on the market. The invention of this plastic device was prompted by a simple question that came up around the company dinner table one night: "What do you do when you want just one cup of coffee?" This intrigued Alan Adler (inventor of the Aerobie throwing disc) and his mind immediately got to thinking on it. He found that the coffee industry leaned toward pour overs for single cup brewing methods, but these devices require such precision and patience in order attain a consistently good cup. By combining air pressure and a short immersion time, Adler created something simple, versatile, and somewhat self cleaning: The Aeropress.
Old School and New School Come Together
The Aeropress is one of the most humble looking pieces of coffee brewing equipment, made of a few simple looking pieces of plastic. Since the invention, there have been many other companies that have made accessories to go along with the Aeropress from reusable metal filters, to Travel Caps to convert the empty plunger section into a storage compartment when on the go.
The Travel Lid Creates a Storage Chamber
In most coffee professional's homes you'll be able to spot an Aeropress. Not only is it affordable, but it's self cleaning, easily portable, and hard to break, thus it is many people’s go to camping coffee device (or other traveling activities). There are so many different ways to brew using the Aeropress. So much so, that in 2008, the World Aeropress Championship was started to see who could come up with the best recipes each year. There were 35 nations participating at this years event, the most successful one so far. The winners recipes are posted every year for coffee professionals and home brewers everywhere to try themselves.
There are so many variables when brewing with the Aeropress that you can play with as you find a recipe to use. Besides grind size and dose amount, the Aeropress allows more room to play with brew temperature than other devices. The first decision you have to make is if you are going to use the Standard Brew Method is, or are you going to flip the device upside-down use the Inverted Brew Method.
The Puck
Here a few of the Cass Study Coffee Crew's favorite Aeropress recipes. Try them yourself and let us know what you think or share your own recipes with us!
Dylan's Recipe
“This recipe is based off the recipe by Martin Karabinos, the Aeropress Champion of Greece. It is a surprising recipe because it uses a much lower temperature to start out with. The brew this recipe produces is chocolatey and reminds me of the flavor of cold press coffee. It would be a good recipe to use when brewing darker roasts or coffee that has gone old as well as your normal morning cup.”
Standard Brew Method
18.5g coffee / 230g water / 95F & 195F
18.5 grams of coffee ground at 6.2 on a Mahlkonig EK43 grinder
Add 80 grams of 95F water (above room temperature but below body temperature)
Gently stir for 15 seconds like you are massaging the coffee grounds
Insert the plunger to seal and stop drop down. Let steep for 3 minutes
Put kettle back on to heat to 195F
Remove plunger and add 150 grams of water at 195F
Stir once and press slowly over 30 seconds
Weighing the grounds
Rachel’s Recipe
“I like this recipe because it is simple, straight forward, and forgiving if you forget your scale or timer when on the go. The total brew volume fills up the press almost to the top, so it can be easily guestimated. It brews a nice thick cup that you can drink straight up, or if you prefer something more delicate, split it between two cups and add a little hot water to smooth it out.”
Inverted Brew Method
18g coffee / 220g water / 195F
- 18 grams of coffee ground at 6.5 on a Mahlkonig EK43 grinder (similar grind for a drip brew if using a different grinder)
Heat water to boiling, wait 30-45 seconds after the boil (roughly 195F)
Make sure your Plunger is as far out as possible, while still being stable
Add 180 grams of water in about 15 seconds by pouring into the side of the device and spinning press filling the press almost to the top. This lessens your chance of dry pockets.
Let bloom for 30 seconds.
Stir gently for 10-15 seconds, breaking the crust
At 1:00 mark, add more water totalling 220 grams, basically filling the press to the top.
At the 1:30 mark, cap it, flip it and press over the next 30 seconds.
Total brew time 2:00
Brews Right into Your Mug
Troy’s Recipe
“I prefer to make my Aeropress very concentrated and slowly with a coarse-ish grind. I use the inverted method and add water to cut it afterwards depending on the type of coffee and flavor profile I’m aiming for. I find this method works like an audio compressor, cutting off any crazy highs (acidity) or lows (bitterness or roastiness). It’s especially effective with naturals or any berry-heavy profile.”
Inverted Brew Method
22g coffee / 120g water / 195F
22 grams of coffee ground 7.4 on Mahlkonig EK43, slightly finer than you would a French Press
Heat water to 195F (1 minute off boil)
Preheat Aeropress and wet filter
Add 50 grams of water for a 30 second bloom. Stir.
Add 70 grams of water (totalling at 120 grams). Let rest for 40 seconds (1:10).
Screw on top and spin at a slight angle for 10 seconds
At 1:20 mark, flip onto your cup and press for 25 seconds (1:45)
- Cut with water to taste. Usually end up with a 1:1, but you can use a little less water to emphasize brighter acidities.
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