What happens when a much-maligned coffee variety tastes delicious? We're exploring that question, with fun results, by serving the Colombia Finca El Naranjo in all three cafes. Chris, our co-owner and Head Roaster, says, "I cupped this coffee blind at origin at Banexport Coffee Mill in the Cauca region of Colombia. I was blown away by the distinctive mint characteristic (both in flavor and refreshing aftertaste) in this coffee as well as the balance of sweetness and acidity with a big, round body. This coffee reminded me of the Colombia Finca Sinai from this time last year, but in an exaggerated version in every way - especially the mint!"
With Coffee Rust obliterating Central American coffee farms on every hand, biologists have been working hard to discover a hybrid that can withstand the rust while still tasting delicious. The Colombia variety is a castillo/caturra hybrid that can taste 'meaty' as it cools--but with proper processing, we and coffee lovers around the world are discovering that this coffee can taste delicious.
We love this coffee because it's such a great conversation-starter. Taste it for yourself and tell us what you think!
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