Customer Profile: Jenn Wilson

A majestic woman who trails flair and exudes congeniality, Jenn Wilson is hands-down one of our favorite customers here at Case Study Coffee. She’s a daily—sometimes twice-daily—visitor to the Sandy store, which is not far from her Montavilla home, and you have only to watch our faces light up when she walks in to know how much we love her.

“I first met Wes and Chris back in 2007, I think, when I hired the espresso cart to cater an event at Providence  Medical Groups, where I worked in oncology management," says Jenn. "I just clicked with them immediately, and when they said they were opening a coffeeshop I was thrilled because their coffee is so good! I always appreciated that the coffee is the focus of their catering, not the novelty value of a coffee cart.”

Jenn works as the clinic manager for Legacy Health system’s four oncology clinics, a job that has her driving from campus to campus on the regular, but in her off time she’s been planning a “kindness project”. With tiny tokens of random goodwill, she hopes to share the positivity that has helped her navigate the ups and downs of marriage and separation, loving and losing a beloved lab-whippet mix dog, moving and taking a new job recently, and many other steps in life. The website is, and chronicles the $5 bills and notes she leaves taped on ATMs for strangers, the meditations on sky-magic, and the “positively terrible jokes” that punctuate her days.

A large vanilla latte is Jenn’s usual drink of choice. She drinks in small sips, with appreciation, and always tells her barista how great it was. We love you, Jenn!

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